Japanese hardware sales - Dec 18-24
The official Japanese hardware numbers are in and they are as follows:
1. DS Lite - 485.584 - (7.266.755)
2. Wii - 279.277 - (823.311)
3. PSP - 138.588 - (1.780.508)
4. PS3 - 76.882 - (385.831)
5. PS2 - 46.209 - (1.412.066)
6. Xbox 360 - 17.213 - (180.013)
7. Game Boy Advance SP - 2.394 - (221.407)
8. Game Boy Micro - 1.858 - (141.837)
9. Cube - 1.250 - (74.378)
10. DS Phat - 380 - (958.214)
11. Game Boy Advance - 57 - (3.508)
12. Xbox - 11 - (1.736)
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