"Wii Prove our Promise"
As we all know, Nintendo will be on hand at Leipzig and is expected to give a keynote speech next month in Germany.
The keynote, called "Wii prove our promise", is planned to take place August 23 and last from 10:15-11:15 AM (4:15-5:15 AM EST or 1:15-2:15 AM PST). Unfortionetly No other information has so far been provided, but I think that some of Nintendo's biggest figures will be on hand. Whether or not Wii will be playable at the show is also unknown at this time.
According to some industry rumors, GC is expected to serve as the platform for new Nintendo Wii game announcements, and although any number of discussion points regarding Wii could be touched upon - company President Satoru Iwata did note in June that a launch date and price announcement would likely surface in or before September - it seems Nintendo's next console will be the primary topic.
Stay tuned with Gameonrevolution for more details! Game ON!
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