Weekend Fun
What are you guys playing this weekend? I just got done playing some 4 player Super Smash and it was a blast! The gaming hasn't stopped there either; I let one of my friends kids play brain age and she was hooked! Thank you Nintendo for doing something different. Thank you for innovating the game arena. What's going on in your gaming world? Enjoy your weekend! I will be updating as usual and hanging out with friends and family. GAME ON!!
**Artists- please remember to send your submissions for our new banner to Gameonrevolution@gmail.com. Remember the winner will get a readily available Nintendo DS game of choice. I look forward to seeing your submissions. For those who have no clue what I am talking about, we here at Gameonrevolution are running a contest that challenges you artists into making a brand spankin' new banner for the site. Submissions must be sent to the e-mail above so get crackin'!**
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