Splinter Cell Revolution?
Sam Fisher has to be one of my favorite video game characters to grace this generation of consoles. So for me to say that I want this franchise to be on my Nintendo Revolution would be a huge understatement. Cubed3 is now has reported that Splinter Cell on revolution may see the light of day. Here's the report:
"In this months ONM the producer of Splinter Cell Double Agent was asked about how Splinter Cell would work with the Revmote. The anser was surprisingly positive.
"It's hard to tell at this early stage. But since Splinter Cell is unique in it's genre, in that it tends to work at such a slow space, I'm sure there are a lot of possibilities"
The big fear has always been that recognised franchises wouldn't make it to the Revolution, but this positive reaction should do well to halt those fears for the time being."
We'll be sure to keep you update with any new info that comes down the pipe line. For more info on Sams next Gen game, head over to this site.
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