Shenmue 3 Revolution Exclusive?
The internet is a wonderful thing isn't it? It causes all sorts of speculation and rumors and everything in between. Gameonrevolution only wants to give you, the readers, the correct information when it comes to Nintendo. Believe me readers, I am an avid Nintendo fan and I want to provide you with the BEST coverage available. While browsing the internet, looking for any news I can conjure up for you guys, I came across another site that has all been proven "fake". See, when these blogs started to pop up regarding our beloved revolution, everyone claimed to be an "insider" always stating that they had some "exclusive" news as to what Nintendo would do next. This blog has recently posted a story and it contains pictures of Shenmue. The headline cryptically reads "Only 4(-1) Revolution". Could this title mean that there is a Shenmue in development for and "ONLY 4" Revolution? If we also read the headline, 4(-1) = 3. Shemue 3 only for Nintendo Revolution? I do not want to read too much into it and I still see this as a rumor.
Interesting huh? I originally wasn't even going to post this story due to the validity of the aforementioned website; however, I also stumbled upon this picture. It's a picture from an upcoming issue of ONM (Official Nintendo Magazine). What caught my attention is that in the bottom left corner, it states that the magazine was "off to play Sega's next generation Nintendo games". Games, as you can plainly see, is plural. Sonic is guaranteed to be on Revolution, but did they mean something making the word "games" plural?
Too many questions gamers and not enough answers. I am now thinking that Shenmue 3 is a possibility; A possibility that may become a reality. I will keep you all informed on this news. The above story is just some pieces to a enormous puzzle that we all are trying to figure out. Given the relationship that Nintendo and SEGA have, this rumor may not be too far fetched. Keep it here guys and thanks for stopping by. What do you think?
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