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Monday, February 20, 2006

News Re-Cap

There has been a TON of news lately so I decided to write a quick post to cover it all. It has been hard to post everything that comes down the pipe line so thanks for bearing with me. I have been working on some things for the website while trying to keep you readers informed on all things related to Nintendo. Big things are in the works for the site so keep posted. Also- Let me know what changes YOU would like to see. E-mail me or post a comment. I would like to hear some feedback. Anyhow- here's a quick recap:

-Reggie Fils-Aime was on spike TV the other day and discussed some of Nintendo's upcoming plans. (Mainly redesign on DS and some zelda tidbits). Nothing huge but still cool to see Reggie on TV.

-For those who do not know, things aren't looking too good for our "friends" at SONY. Talks of delays and price have been swirling in a downward motion for them lately. Price of the system will be near the price of a small country and we might see an eventual delay of the system. This bodes well for the Big N because we all know the price of a revolution will be much cheaper than the price of a upgraded DVD player. Note to gamers- you will be able to buy a Nintendo Revolution System, another controller, and probably 2 games and some retro games FOR THE SAME PRICE as a PS3 unit.... Think about that when it comes time to buy.

-DS Lite will be released in Japan in March with an announcement of an American release soon. My guess-May. We'll keep you posted.

-DS will become more of a multi-media device. The innovative handheld will become a web browser and a portable TV. It will launch in Japan first then hopefully come here in the States.

-Free MARIO! Keep in mind that Super Princess Peach will be releasing this week. This cool new platform stars the ever so popular, princess peach. The roles have turned and Mario now is captured. You take on the role of Princess Peach in order to save Mario.

A mouth full! More to come, keep it here! E-mail me with your thoughts/ideas on what you want to see! Game ON!